About Karyn Lawson, RMT., INHC.
Greetings and welcome to my little piece of real estate on the web! I am Karyn Lawson RMT. INHC. and this is Inner Vision Health & Wellness, located in Victoria, BC.. Here you can explore my services as an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach and Registered Massage Therapist.
By my side is my loyal canine companion who is a fully trained guide dog for the blind as I have lost complete vision to a degenerative eye disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa. My studio name was inspired due to my blindness, utilizing my “inner vision” to enhance my differing abilities as a Practitioner.

Registered Massage Therapy
Registered with the College of Massage Therapist’s of B.C. since 1999, I provide professional, quality and patient centred manual therapy in Victoria, B.C
Why Health and Wellness Coaching?
Are you feeling like you need to change something in your life that just isn’t working for you but not sure where to start? Keep saying you will eat better and start your exercise program tomorrow but tomorrow never comes? Are you experiencing a lack of energy, muscle and joint pain, weight gain, headaches, and brain fog? Feel like you are stuck in auto-pilot? Making excuses for your “sensitive” stomach? Or maybe your naturopath or doctor has suggested an elimination diet of wheat, dairy, and sugar but the thought of this is overwhelming?