Keep that smile radiant on your face with this rehydrating butter!
Over the last year I have been experimenting with a few DYI moisturizing oils and bars. I have stopped purchasing lotions, creams and lip balms all together and have created a couple of recipes that work just as well for me to keep my skin soft and glowing. This very simple facial butter is great for normal to dry skin and absorbs quickly. It only requires 3 ingredients, although there are some alternatives you could try out! It is all natural, just the way I like it!
- 1/4 cup shea butter
- 1 tbsp rose-hip oil
- 1 tbsp argon oil
- 2 ml (or about 50 drops) pure essential oils of your choice (optional)
- Glass jar or container with at least 100 ml volume
- In a small double boiler, combine shea butter with rose-hip and argon oil and heat until liquid.
- Remove from heat and whisk in essential oils.
- Carefully transfer liquid into a small glass jar or container of your choice. Volume is about 90 ml.
- Let cool completely. Texture will be soft but solid and will spread easily. You can place it in the fridge to set if you like.
- Scoop a small amount into your fingers and rub hands together creating some heat and then massage into your face. A little goes a long way so careful not to use too much at a time.
- Store in a dry, cool place out of the sunlight.
- Use 2 tbsp of rose-hip or argon instead of one of each.
- Swap out for jojoba or sweet apricot or another oil of your choice. An infused calendula oil is also great for the skin!
- You could choose to use coconut oil as well, I find it a little to heavy on my face. It also can be more solid when it is in a cooler temperature so your butter may be thicker if it is in a cooler environment. Not a big deal, just a consideration!
Best essential oils for your face:
I used a combination of rose and sandalwood oils, both of which are 10% diluted in jojoba as they are through the roof expensive if you purchase them pure. Because of this, I used a larger volume than the 2 ml. As a general rule when using pure essential oils, you want a 2-3 percent dilution when using topically.
For example, you could use 2-3 ml of pure essential oils to 100 ml oil base. Because my math brain couldn’t determine how much a 2 percent dilution of a 10% diluted essential oil was, I winged it! I think I used more like 6 ml of the diluted sandalwood and rose oil.
Regardless, if you are using pure oils that are not diluted, keep it no more than a 2-3 percent ratio. Here are some amazing essential oils that are good for your skin:
- Rose (often found as a diluted 10%)
- Sandalwood (often found as a diluted 10%)
- Geranium
- Clary Sage
- Frankincense
- Rosewood
- Chamomile (often found as a diluted 10%)
- neroli (often found as a diluted 10%)
- Carrot seed
- Cedar-wood
- Bergamot
- Ylang ylang
- Tea treeLemongrass
Create your signature blend by combining your favourite oils together for your face butter.
*Note: I haven’t included citrus oils such as lemon or grapefruit as they can create photosensitivity for the skin but if used in a small amount within a blend and as long as you don’t slather this butter on then go sun bathing, I am sure you would be fine to use a few drops of citrus to lift your blend!
**Note: As a precaution, use a small circle of your finished butter on your skin and test it for any irritation or reaction to rule out any allergies.
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