
Stock photo of mocha chia pudding

Easy Vegan Chia Seed Mocha Pudding 

Instant love! I have been enjoying experimenting more with the little super seed called chia lately. It is such an interesting and useful magical seed! Not only is it high in omega’s, plant proteins, fiber and micro-nutrients, it has the ability to turn itself into a gel that binds things together. Along with flax and… Continue Reading Easy Vegan Chia Seed Mocha Pudding 

Easy Vegan Chia Seed Mocha Pudding  Read More

Vegan peppermint patties and chocolate almond marzipan on a plate

Chocolate Coated Marzipan Bites

Scrumptiously delicious! These sweet poppers are far from my usual low sugar recipes but are one of our favourite little nibbles to create every holiday season. It makes the list every year when my daughter and I team up in the kitchen for some quality family time. This is a simple version of a traditional… Continue Reading Chocolate Coated Marzipan Bites

Chocolate Coated Marzipan Bites Read More

Inner Vision Health and Wellness Karyn Lawson RMT INHC