essential nutrients

Stock photo of B complex cartoon

A Breakdown on the B Vitamin Complex and Best Food Sources to Stay Energized 

Get the buzz on these B’s The vitamin B complex is made up of 8 different water soluble compounds, derived from our diets, that are required for energy metabolism, DNA synthesis and nervous system function. B vitamins also play a important role in: Most people ingest adequate B vitamins if they are following a unprocessed,… Continue Reading A Breakdown on the B Vitamin Complex and Best Food Sources to Stay Energized 

A Breakdown on the B Vitamin Complex and Best Food Sources to Stay Energized  Read More

Stock photo of beets with leafy tops

Beets are Boss

Can’t beet this veggie! All you need to do is look at that gorgeous colour to know that beets are a super food! Cultivated for both medicinal and culinary purposes for centuries, this deep reddish purple coloured root veggie has an extraordinary profile of nutrition and health benefits. It was believed that due to their… Continue Reading Beets are Boss

Beets are Boss Read More

Stock photo of beet and orange salad

Beet and Orange Salad with Rosemary Balsamic Vinaigrette

Can beet this combo! Summer salads are my favourite and this beet and orange salad is no exception! In fact, it makes its rotation all year long. Beets are an extraordinary vegetable for health, like really, the colour says it all! Not only are they high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and some plant proteins, they… Continue Reading Beet and Orange Salad with Rosemary Balsamic Vinaigrette

Beet and Orange Salad with Rosemary Balsamic Vinaigrette Read More

stock photo of happy fiber rich vegetables

The moving facts on Dietary fiber

“I like to move it, move it!” Chances are you’ve heard dietary fiber is essential to a healthy diet but what is it exactly and why is it so important? Let’s get into the bulk of it! Fiber is a group of undigestible plant carbohydrates that adds material to support the movement of food through… Continue Reading The moving facts on Dietary fiber

The moving facts on Dietary fiber Read More

Woman holding a glass of water

High Five for Hydration!

H2O, the essential nutrient for life! With the summer around the corner and the temperature already on a steady rise, it is important to remember to stay well hydrated through the warmer months. Seems a straight forward concept but over half our population is considered chronically dehydrated all year round. So this summer be one… Continue Reading High Five for Hydration!

High Five for Hydration! Read More

Inner Vision Health and Wellness Karyn Lawson RMT INHC