mental health

Stock photo of a woman riding a wave on a surf board

7 Tips to Expertly Ride the waves of Life’s Busyness  

“The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it” – Anonymous Are you one of millions that constantly feel overwhelmed juggling the busyness of your life? Many people today are running on auto-pilot from one responsibility to the next trying to keep up with the status quo. Busyness can be self imposed,… Continue Reading 7 Tips to Expertly Ride the waves of Life’s Busyness  

7 Tips to Expertly Ride the waves of Life’s Busyness   Read More

A sleeping kitten's face peeking out of a wool blanket. They look super relaxed.

Get the Zzzzzz’sYou Need with These Beauty Sleep hacks

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the 2 best cures for anything” — Irish Proverb Are you one of the millions of people struggling with falling asleep, staying asleep or not feeling rested in the morning? Are you addicted to the snooze button on your alarm only to find yourself frazzled before your… Continue Reading Get the Zzzzzz’sYou Need with These Beauty Sleep hacks

Get the Zzzzzz’sYou Need with These Beauty Sleep hacks Read More

Bowls filled with different fermented foods

Fabulous Ferments and why they are a Must in Your Diet

The magic of symbiosis Fermented foods seem all the rage today in the health food world from kamboucha to kimchee to kefir. So what’s the hype all about? The definition of fermentation is the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeast or other micro-organisms, typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat. Say… Continue Reading Fabulous Ferments and why they are a Must in Your Diet

Fabulous Ferments and why they are a Must in Your Diet Read More

Karyn practicing yoga (Mountain Pose or Tadasana)


“Courage is found in unlikely places” —  from Gild-or in The Fellowship of the Rings. The definition of courage is simple. It is the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery. Seems rather straight forward, right? But as I pondered this word I became interested in its depth and expansiveness. Often when we think… Continue Reading Courage

Courage Read More

A woman hiking on a trail surrounded by wild flowers.

Are you ready to leave winter behind and  embrace the rebirthing energy of spring? Here’s my 5 top tips!

If the warmth of the sun has kissed your skin and you have an extra spring in your step, consider some of the following ideas to lighten your load and inspire you into a new season of possibilities! In the Northern hemisphere, the days are getting longer, the sun warmer and signs of burgeoning life… Continue Reading Are you ready to leave winter behind and  embrace the rebirthing energy of spring? Here’s my 5 top tips!

Are you ready to leave winter behind and  embrace the rebirthing energy of spring? Here’s my 5 top tips! Read More

A pink journal with a pen. The journal cover says "Today I am Grateful".

Wellness 101 – What you need to know about health and wellness

Are you ready to become a Wellness Warrior and take action for your life? It seems every where we turn these days we are bombarded on social media with mixed messages from regurgitated content telling us how to live happier and healthier lives. Filtering through all the memes, platitudes, ads, emails and photos that make… Continue Reading Wellness 101 – What you need to know about health and wellness

Wellness 101 – What you need to know about health and wellness Read More

Inner Vision Health and Wellness Karyn Lawson RMT INHC