root vegetables

Stock photo of Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi and Apple Salad with Tarragon Dressing

Kohl-what-abi? If you have never tried kohlrabi, here is an easy salad recipe for an introduction! This alien looking vegetable is like a cross between a turnip and a cabbage with fresh green leaves randomly growing out of its thick skin. Similar to broccoli,  cabbage and brussels sprouts it is part of the cruciferous family… Continue Reading Kohlrabi and Apple Salad with Tarragon Dressing

Kohlrabi and Apple Salad with Tarragon Dressing Read More

A blue ceramic soup pot on a gas stove with the lid ajar showing a chili or soup.

Sausage and Lentil Stew with Winter Root Vegetables

Warm up with this hardy and healthy winter stew! Full of some fun and different ingredients, this winter stew comes together easily and is packed full of nutrition. A mix of sausage and lentil provides a protein rich base for the root vegetables to compliment. Parsnips, turnip and cabbage bring a different highlight from the… Continue Reading Sausage and Lentil Stew with Winter Root Vegetables

Sausage and Lentil Stew with Winter Root Vegetables Read More

Inner Vision Health and Wellness Karyn Lawson RMT INHC