3. What you feel and think today may not be what you feel and think tomorrow, reserve the right to change your mind.
4. You can’t love someone into changing..
5. Everybody has a bad habit or 2, even me!
6. Love your body, it is the only one you got!
7. After 40, your give a shit meter should begin to drastically drop!
8. Domestic abuse happens to even strong and intelligent women.
9. There is a difference between ignorance and attitude. You can educate ignorance but attitude requires unlearning.
11. Always know what is in your brownie before you eat it.
12. Stop to take a breath, it is always better to respond rather than react. Pick your battles and don’t sweat the small stuff.
13. Ask yourself if what is bothering you will matter in 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month or 1 year from now then decide how to proceed.
14. Always keep your mind active and your body moving.
15. Yoga is life! Or at least it has been my saviour! So has connecting with Nature.
16. Pizza gives me heartburn.
17. Smiles and sunrises are always free.
18. Figure out how to make more and work less.
19. Even a wee bit saved and invested for the future is better than nothing at all.
20. There is only one final destination so enjoy the journey, no one gets out of here alive!
21. Presence is key, if we are stressing about an unknown future or stuck in the past we are missing the gift of now.
22. Surround yourself with good and kind people who you can both laugh and cry with!
23. It is easier to forgive than to forget.
24. Our past influences our present but doesn’t dictate our future.
25. One cup of coffee may not be enough.
26. Always carry a water bottle.
27. There is nothing in the dark that wasn’t there in the light.
28. Save early for your children’s therapy as you will inevitably fuck them up no matter how hard you tried!
29. There is a difference between judgment and discernment, know the difference.
30. It is okay to declare that something is hard.
31. The journey through parenting will be harder than you ever imagined. It will equally be one of the most heartfelt experiences you may ever have.
32. Plant medicine works, remember to stop and smell the flowers, even if they make you sneeze!
33. It’s hard to pass up a really good croissant!
34. Everybody poops.
35. Seek balance in every thing you do.
36. Play, have fun, be silly and don’t take yourself so seriously, it is only life after all! Then remember to sleep!
38. Some days are just bad days.
39. You will make mistakes and occasionally make poor decisions, yep, that happened!
40. Don’t ever put conditions on your love.
41. Listen more, speak less.
42. Friends will come and go, let them! The only person who will be with you the entirety of your life’s journey is you, learn to be your own best friend.
43. If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no, so just find the courage to ask!
44. Try every day to be a good and mindful human, acting with integrity always feels better.
45. 4 hugs a day, that’s the minimum…4 hugs a day, not the maximum (it’s a kids song 😉 )
46. Mom’s can die young.
47. View your life as an adventure and always stay curious!
48. When opportunity knocks, answer the door!
49. Eat your vegetables!
50. . The children’s song “Going on a Lion Hunt: is my mantra for difficult times. It goes like this, “Going on a lion hunt, I’m not scared! Look at all the beautiful flowers! Uh oh! There is a swamp up ahead!”. Insert any obstacle here such as river, trees, long grass, mud bog, or anything that life throws us! “Can’t go over it, can’t go under it, can’t go around it, gotta go through it!”. That’s right my friends, gotta go through it! All of it!
This was amazing Karyn! Wow, I can’t believe you lost your Mom and grandma at 49. That must have been really scary for you to live your 49th year. Now I can see why celebrating your 50 years alive was such a big deal.
Well done Karyn and I really appreciate your positivity.
Wise words!
I love this!! 💖 Well thought out and oh so true. xx
You are incredibly wise and wonderful.
This was amazing Karyn! Wow, I can’t believe you lost your Mom and grandma at 49. That must have been really scary for you to live your 49th year. Now I can see why celebrating your 50 years alive was such a big deal.
Well done Karyn and I really appreciate your positivity.
Great 50
I liked #13,29 and with myself being a new father #31.
A very special Happy Birthday to a very special person. Enjoy your day 🥳🥳🎉🎂Wendy